Khavy Seng


Derek Seng

Khavy Seng by Derek Seng

“My name is Khavy Seng, I’m a senior at the Fredericksburg High School, and I do like school. My legacy for the upcoming seniors and upcoming freshmen is to stick on what you like to do, and explore different opportunities. You may never know what talents that you have in your mind and under your skills. I’m involved in the band program. In the band program we play music all together, we compete with music, and we also perform music. I’m also involved in the engineering department. We build rockets. We handle rockets and proportions and built a successful rocket that will be launched at Stonewall. Our goal is to built a rocket that is completely made out of scratch, and not buy any materials, perform, and program everything we have. My favorite memory from high school is going to state in band. If I would be able to redo my life I would not use it, because I will relive the same things in my life. That includes bad memories, good memories, and random memories. If I would master anything, I would master the art of persuasion, so I can get things my way.”