Emily Wisdom


Hannah Nielsen

Emily Wisdom by Hannah Nielsen

“I want my legacy to be remembered as a hardworking dedicated individual. I am involved in DECA FFA and Fred Heads. Many people don’t know I hate the brown rye chips in Chex mix. I like to spend my weekend doing homework or going to my ranch to hunt. Oh and I work at Los Cazadores Mrs. Tatum is my favorite teacher because she keeps our class involved and engaged through her humor. She allows us to learn in a fun way in which We want to participate. If I had one redo in life I would use it on the time when I chose to take courses that would help me become a veterinarian because I realized further into high school that’s not the right career path for me and I want to go into the business industry. So now I’ve  realized that I have to take/further steps to help me accomplish my goal.”