Madison Frantzen


Leslie Neri

Madison Frantzen by Leslie Neri 

“I want my legacy to be someone who has a strong love for sports, is academically motivated, and cares for people. I’m involved in sports such as volleyball and basketball. One thing that not many people know is this volleyball season I’m dedicating it to my grandfather. I call him Pops. With that being said, I wrote ‘play for Pops’ on the side of my volleyball shoes, that way I have a constant reminder of him when I play. Some things I do on weekends, when I don’t have so much homework:), is spending quality time with my family, hanging out with friends, and growing my relationship with Him by going to church. My favorite teacher is Coach Danz because I not only have her as a teacher, but a coach so we have developed a more personal relationship. She has always been there for me through injuries and just when I need to talk, and I’m so grateful for that! If I could redo life, I would not use it because it has shaped and molded me into the person I am today. Even with the struggles and hardships, I’m proud of who I am today.”