Angela Lopez


Jessica Johnson

Angela Lopez by Jessica Johnson

Many people find entertainment and joy in sports, but for some, there is a much deeper meaning. Playing sports can expose you to those with common interests and provide a competitive yet supportive environment to assist in channeling emotions.

For Fredericksburg High School freshman Angela Lopez, playing tennis allows her to express herself and is a way for her to meet new people. Over roughly five years, she has made a multitude of friends and received many rewards for her hard work on the court.

“This is my first full year, I used to only play during the summers, and I started in fourth grade for fun to play with my brother and beat him,” Lopez said. “Mostly because I felt more free, and in soccer, you have to play a certain way, but in tennis, you can play however you want, but still play with class and be nice to other people. It’s made me feel different than others in a good way, and it makes me feel like I can just let all my anger out.”

Her older brother Jorge Lopez was also a tennis player at Fredericksburg High School, however, he graduated in 2022 leaving his legacy as a goal for Angela to reach and surpass.

“He pushes me so much to be the best that I can be. When I play with him, it makes me better,” Lopez said. “But then, sometimes when I don’t do something right, I get yelled at.”

Through good sportsmanship and showing respect for other players, Lopez has made a difference in the competitive setting on and off the court.

“I’ve matured a lot more, and I’ve made a lot of friends, and just the relationships that you build are so important,” Lopez said. “They are really nice, and just the way they act and come towards me is the way I act and respond.”

She has been able to go to a team tennis camp in New Braunfels and played for state there as well. She traveled to New York for nationals, although, she did not get to play. Lopez is most proud of her accomplishments when she was working alongside the people she trusted most on the court, her teammates. 

“The most important awards I’ve gotten were in my seventh-grade year when I won district with my partner, David King,” Lopez said. “And eighth-grade year, my last tournament, which was here at Fredericksburg with my partner.”