Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Natural Nails

Driver’s License

Although we all think that we are all the best drivers on the planet, we all have our little hiccups and flaws on the road. Being aware that your driving is questionable could be one of the most humbling things to experience. A few students at FHS were chosen to share some of their interesting driving experiences. If you relate to these, maybe check yourself when you get behind the wheel.

Senior, Madi Reeh states that the day she went to the DMV for her drivers test, there was a mom and her son there also taking the test. The son had the same birthday as the student, but had problems with his car. She allowed him to use the car, because they were friendly people, and not to mention they were from Llano and had to find a vehicle right away. After she had finished the extra paperwork, of course the both of them passed all while using her car. Personally, I would’ve been hesitant to allow someone to use my vehicle for a test, but some are braver than others. 

Junior, Paige Kuhlmann, states that she was driving home late at night, and on her way home, there was a baby calf in the road. She was going too fast to swerve it, so she had to hit it. The baby calf went flying off the road, and the car was incredibly damaged. She states that the cow did die and she cried a lot. 

Senior,Sydney Davis claims that she had to take her drivers test twice. The first time, she hit the parallel parking pole, but the second time she ran over a curb. The student states that the lady told her she feared for her life as she cried and proceeded to tell her mom she’s an awful driver. Take a look at these beautiful people’s stories the next time you want to tell people you’re a good driver.

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