Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Mr. Gattis Pizza

Anonymous First Date Stories (True or False)

One time I went on a date to the movies, and I was scared to hold the boy’s hand, so I held his forearm instead. Then he looked at me weirdly, and he asked, “What are you doing?” I responded with “I don’t know” and walked out of the movie. -True

We were at Marktplaz, and I was drinking a Cherry Sprite. As soon as we started talking, I burped really loud. We just stared at each other in silence.-True 

One time this boy offered to pick me up to go get Sonic and hangout with him. When he got to my house, he hit my mailbox with his car and completely knocked it over. -False 

We went out to dinner, and the whole time he talked about his truck. This was our first date, and we were there for an hour. I didn’t know how to say that I needed to leave…-False

One of my first dates was going on a run. However, he was a lot faster than me so he had to wait for me, and we ended up walking the rest of the way.-True

During one of our dates, we went to try out this new restaurant that opened up in San Antonio. We ordered dessert and did not know that it had peanuts in it. The next hour consisted of us being at the Urgent Care.-False

On one of our dates, we went to a drive-in movie theater. When we tried to leave, his car would not start, and we were stuck there until his dad came to help us.-False

We went out to dinner on our first date, and I was told what I was supposed to order to eat.-True

We were at the movies, and he tried to grab my hand. However, I was too focused on the movie, and I ended up hitting him in the face because my reflexes kicked in. We didn’t talk the whole ride home.-True


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