Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

First United & Trust

The Benefits of Spending Time Alone

The Benefits of Spending Time Alone


All throughout history, spending time with other people has been a meaningful and important part of our lives. While human interaction is definitely important in everyday life, people often overlook the benefits of spending time with yourself and yourself only.

Studies have shown that spending time alone overall increases the quality of your mental health. Constantly being around a busy environment where a lot is going on can cause you to feel overwhelmed or irritated with things that wouldn’t usually bother you. If you’re feeling these things, you probably need to spend some quality time with yourself. Those who spend a good chunk of time on their own have shown to have decreased levels of anxiety and depression. Having some alone time can allow you to rest and recharge after a busy day.

Solitude also helps you better understand yourself. When in a public environment, depending on the type of person you are, humans often try to accommodate others and their needs. For example, you may be less social of a person around others because you’re scared of being “annoying”. Constantly being in an environment where you’re altering your personality for others can make it hard to see and accept who you really are as a person. Spending time alone and reflecting on these things can help you discover more about yourself that you maybe never took into consideration before.

Being in a public environment can leave room for lots of distractions, which makes it difficult to focus on tasks that you need to complete. By blocking out some time to be alone, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to have a quiet place to study or finish homework. Distractions can also cause you to make silly mistakes. Not only will you complete your tasks faster, but you will most likely do better quality work compared to if you were in a more distracting environment.

Solitude is often perceived as equivalent with being lonely. However, if you spend your alone time wisely, solitude can actually improve your life overall. Everybody needs a break sometimes, so don’t be afraid to put your phone on “do not disturb” and spend some quality time with yourself.

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