Local Family Business Makes a Difference
Mackenzie Keeter, a student at Fredericksburg High School, helps her family produce and sell crosses for their business.
February 22, 2019
Preserving history and making a difference throughout the Texas Hill Country as well as overseas is a big deal for this small, family run business. The beautiful historically designed products are inspired by multiple countries around the world and are preserving the histories and cultures of these places.
Mackenzie Keeter, a family member who plays a part in running McHarp Crosses, realizes how much being a part of this business has changed her and led her to grow. McHarp Crosses has impacted Keeter and progressed greatly throughout the years.
“The business has grown quite a bit since the beginning,” Keeter said. “Now we have retail stores all over the country and a couple overseas who carry our product.”
Keeter was young when McHarp Crosses started up. Creator Linda Harp started the business about eight years ago.
“Harp was a friend of a friend,” Keeter said. “[Harp] started the business with her mom in the 1990s because they both had a passion for the art and Celtic history. Once her mom passed away, she was not wanting to continue the business so we were introduced, and it went from there.”
The family puts in time and effort to produce the products and get them out into the world for all to see.
“It is definitely a process to make the crosses,” Keeter said. “First, you carve the design in clay, then you make a latex mold out of that, then there is a plaster mix poured into the mold. Once that sets, you have to clean it, and it bakes to dry. We have a three-part dipping process to get the correct color and seal for each product, then we stamp it so it is copyrighted, and a cross is ready to get shipped.”
The family travels around Texas to different festivals to distribute their products. This is enjoyable for Keeter as they take the quick road trip and are around new people and fun scenery for a weekend.
“We sell at Celtic festivals,” Keeter said. “Some products are also bought whole sale from retail stores across the country.”
The main mission of McHarp Crosses is to preserve history and culture from a number European countries. Keeter has learned many things about the countries and their histories thanks to her involvement in the business.
“We make plaster crosses based off of historical designs,” Keeter said. “These designs are mainly from Ireland and Scotland, but also Germany, France, Wales, England and other European countries.”
Keeter helps her parents run the business by lending a hand when it is needed. She has learned a lot about running McHarp Crosses and one day hopes to take over the family business.
“I do a lot pertaining to the business,” Keeter said. “I do everything from making, shipping, selling, marketing and advertising. I’ve learned pretty much every aspect of it.”
McHarp Crosses has changed Keeter’s life in a multitude of ways. Keeter herself can see a difference and is very happy with the way the business has impacted her life.
“McHarp Crosses has helped me grow a lot,” Keeter said. “I’ve learned how to basically run it and learning the business side of things along with the creative part of it has helped me grow as well.”