Anti-Vaxxers Debunked

September 13, 2019
Ever since one very famous doctor falsely said that vaccines cause autism, “Anti-Vaxxers” have become more and more common. People have come forward saying vaccines are poisonous, contain ingredients that don’t belong in our bodies, and cause disabilities in children. People are disregarding the huge benefits of vaccines all because of a false misconception.
“Well, don’t vaccines contain mercury and aluminum?” Yes, they do. But the amounts are INCREDIBLY small. Not to mention that we are also exposed to these metals more in our daily life through fish, meat, and sometimes even vegetables. According to Barcelona Institute for Global Health, we breathe, drink, and eat 30-50mg of aluminum per day. That’s 20 times more than the amount allowed into a vaccine.
In addition to this, there is more formaldehyde in an apple then there is in the polio, Hepatitis B, and DTaP vaccines put together. If you’re worried about mercury, it’s been removed from most vaccines, but the trace amounts that are left in the influenza vaccine contain a much smaller amount than the mercury found in salmon and tuna.
“Vaccines cause Autism!” Contrary to popular opinion, vaccines do NOT cause autism. The person who conducted that study only used 12 children and had a financial agenda. There was also no valid scientific evidence proving that vaccines cause autism, and years later he lost his medical license. Studies have been performed with larger groups of children that have proved the study wrong.
“Isn’t it better to contract the diseases and learn how to fight them off yourself?” Vaccines are basically weakened forms of sickness. When they are injected into a child’s body, antibodies attack the disease and teaches their immune system how to fight. In the past couple of years, babies have been born with congenital rubella syndrome. The mother of the unborn child had contracted measles (possibly without even knowing it). These babies are usually born with hearing or sight loss.
“I took the flu shot last year, and I got the flu anyways. Vaccines must not work.” Vaccines contain an inactive form of the virus that they are trying to prevent. Your body could be mimicking the symptoms in a lesser way, but it is impossible for you to have caught the flu from the flu shot.
“Ok but it is my personal choice. If I choose to not vaccinate my child, it won’t affect anyone else.” Um, false. Vaccines create herd immunity, which basically means that when everyone is vaccinated, diseases aren’t spread to infants, the elderly, other people, or even your own children. By giving vaccines to your child, you are saving someone else’s baby. Or maybe your own baby. Diseases don’t spread, period.
Vaccinations are completely safe and have so many benefits. Please, next time you or someone close to you utters any of these myths, remember the facts! Modern medicine has changed the way we live, increased our lifespan, and it has saved our children. Keep your children and everyone else around you safe.