Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Halftime West

Holly Hanson


“I want people to see me as funny, sporty, strong, kind, and just a good person overall. My biggest fear is probably losing everyone I love because I feel like if I lost everyone I’d have to start over, and I’d be alone. My friends and family always brighten my mood, and I’m my best self when I’m around my friends. My favorite teacher this year is probably Mr. Renaud because he’s funny, and he jokes around with us. He definitely has a sense of humor. If I had the option to see my future, I would probably wait. Probably. I was the most nervous on my first day when I walked in and saw everyone was taller. I felt like a little mouse. I felt like a pip-squeak, and I thought I would get made fun of or get bullied. Yes, I did indeed get lost on my first day, multiple times. I love how many shops and different people there are in Fredericksburg. Lots of different personalities.”

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