Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg Police Department

Day In The Life of A Fall Athlete


5:15 Wake up for practice
5:20 Eat breakfast (banana)
5:25 Brush teeth
5:30 Watch some Instagram reels
5:40 Lace up
5:50 Leave for practice
6:05 Arrive to high school
6:10 Contemplate life decisions
6:15 Cross country practice starts
6:20 Walk of misery down to the track
6:40 Enter the “They don’t know me son” phase for the next hour
7:30 Death
7:35 Roll and stretch after practice
8:00 Shower and get ready for school
8:30 Breakfast
9:02 Time to get to class

5:30 Alarm goes off for swim practice and I sleep through it
5:45 Have to hurry for practice
5:50 Drive in silence with Rory because we hate each other in the morning
6:15 Wait in the locker room for practice to start
7:00 Drown
7:30 Swim practice ends
7:50 Get breakfast and Eleanor sings the whole drive there
8:00 Get tacos from Hildas with Eleanor and Rory and Maia
8:20 Get to school and wait in the cafeteria till school starts
8:30 Watch Tik Toks and complain about swim
8:50 All the smelly football boys come into the cafeteria
9:02 Time to get to class

5:55 First out of five different alarms goes off
6:10 Get up for cheer practice
6:15 Wash face, brush teeth, and put on a big sweatshirt
6:40 Say goodbye to my parents and dog
6:40 Get picked up by Sadie since my car is in the shop
6:45 Pick up Bella Romo
6:53 Get to school
7:00 Get to the locker room where everyone is waiting because we always show up late
8:40 Cheer practice ends
8:40 Whip off the sweat from cheer and wash face
8:50 Get ready for school
9:02 Time to get to class

4:30 Wake up for football practice
4:40 Brush teeth and get ready for practice
4:47 Get in the car and listen to Zach Bryan
4:52 Get to the high school
5:00 Get treatment if needed with the trainers
5:15 Head to the locker room and play music to get the other players in the mood
5:40 Finish getting ready for football practice
5:45 Go outside and call Jordan Nixon because I am his alarm to come to practice
5:55 Go out to the field and get into a good mindset to have a great practice
6:00 Start stretching with the team and practice officially starts
8:45 Football practice ends
9:00 Drive up to parking spot
9:02 Time to get to class (fearful of tardies)

2:58 Bell rings for tennis practice
3:00 Look for clouds and think about how hot it is outside
3:05 Change into tennis clothes
3:10 Go to the tennis courts and run the longest and worst two laps ever
3:15 Warm up ad hope that someone asks to be my partner for drills
3:30 Play challenge matches
4:50 Win or lose the challenge match
5:00 Tennis practice ends
5:30 Go to my car and blast the AC
5:35 quickly leave practice (get in and go)

2:58 Head to the locker room and get dressed for volleyball practice
3:00 Wait in the locker room till Roemer comes in to yell at us to get to the gym
3:10 Eat my fruit gummies before practice
3:30 Finally start playing volleyball
5:00 Usually start crying during practice
5:15 Start laughing because my teammates cheer me up
5:30 Get into Madison Rheinhardt’s car and have a debrief practice

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