Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Boot Ranch Realty

Brieanna Cruz


“Something that always brightens my mood is the band, and my friends. Why is it because there are a lot of happy people that just brightens my day. Also family too, because no matter what you say they always laugh at you: even if it’s supposed to be funny or not. My younger self would be shocked and surprised I would say. What my younger self thought of was ‘I’m going to be joining the military, and become a VetTech,’ and guess what all of that would change. If I was a teacher I would pick art. I’m more into painting, and I love to crochet a lot of stuff. It’s my only job I can do at the moment. Right now I can’t crochet because of a bunch of school work. Something that inspires me is my dad, because I really want to follow in his footsteps: he was in the military. I’m still in between being in the military, or becoming a crime solving detective.”

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