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Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

Fredericksburg High School's Media Publication

The Campus Comet

FHS Teacher TikToks Go Viral

FHS Teacher TikToks Go Viral

Suzanna Keese March 7, 2022

Parth Patel... The sophomore, the myth, the legend recently found fame on TikTok along with many Fredericksburg High School teachers. In January, Patel shot a short video on the app calling various...



January 18, 2022

Ah, the life of having an Instagram account. The mindless scrolling through your feed, endlessly liking random posts of selective people you just happen to allow on your account. Pretty much everyone has...

Future Business Leaders of America

Future Business Leaders of America

Ella Grandjean December 9, 2021

Students often think of high school clubs as organizations for just good times with friends and acts of service. At Fredericksburg High School, every club has an inviting and involving aspect. While this...

Funky Fall Food Combinations

Funky Fall Food Combinations

Ella Grandjean, Laura Nielsen December 2, 2021

Try to think about fall. Try to think about crisp leaves falling, the cool breeze and fall fashion trends, cozy blankets and perfect, bright pumpkins. Now think of Thanksgiving. The food, the smell of...

Pride of Texas Hill Country Marches to Victory

Pride of Texas Hill Country Marches to Victory

Bevyn O’Connor December 2, 2021

The drums leading the way for the rhythm, the trumpets ringing out for everyone to hear, and the cymbals clanging against each other, all making a patriotic symphony just for our school. The Fredericksburg...

FHS Individuals Overcome Hardships

FHS Individuals Overcome Hardships

Julia Cleland December 2, 2021

Everyone has experienced the feelings that come with facing an unwelcome challenge: the initial impulse to give up and the frustration of struggling to take your next step. It’s easy to allow these emotions...

Hannah Brown

Hannah Brown

October 26, 2021

“I want to be a therapist to help people and always try to help people the best I can to my effort. I like watching TV, and sometimes I love to color because I don’t have much do. I’m involved in...

Gen Z:  Transforming Immoral Theft into a Trendy Social Statement

Gen Z: Transforming Immoral Theft into a Trendy Social Statement

Suzanna Bridges-Keese October 25, 2021

As the students at Fredericksburg High School continue to work hard in their academic and extracurricular lives, social media works just as hard. TikTok, a Chinese-based social media platform, is full...

Met Gala and Album Results

Met Gala and Album Results

October 21, 2021

FHS students chose between their favorite met gala looks.         FHS students chose between their favorite album genres.    

A Dream Fulfilled: Stonewall Peach Queen

A Dream Fulfilled: Stonewall Peach Queen

Suzanna Bridges-Keese September 21, 2021

Almost every child has a dream she hopes to achieve in their lifetime, whether it be making the varsity basketball team in high school, becoming a world famous actress or learning how to scuba dive.  Laura...

McMurray Makes an Impact in Ag

McMurray Makes an Impact in Ag

Landri Sagebiel April 26, 2021

Many in the world are puzzled about where our food supply comes from and why when we hear of starving people in American, we can’t just “give out” food. A basic understanding of our world and how...

Say Yes to the Re-Dress

Say Yes to the Re-Dress

Suzanna Bridges April 26, 2021

When one hears the word 'prom,' one thinks of loud music, a dark room, glittery dresses and black suits; items that are in high demand this time of year. However, there are many girls who may not be able...

Red-Hotts Score High  in Spring  Competition

Red-Hotts Score High in Spring Competition

Suzanna Bridges April 26, 2021

The FHS Red-Hotts hosted their annual spring competition for Danceline USA on Feb. 27 where normally a dozen schools’ dance teams from all over the Hill Country come to compete against each other in...

Spring CDE Prepares Students for Future Competitions

Spring CDE Prepares Students for Future Competitions

Ari Watson April 26, 2021

Every year FFA students participate in competitions across the state. These competitions showcase students’ various skills, such as, livestock judging, vet science and entomology contests. “It’s...

Three Students Earn Scholarships at the Western Art Competition

Three Students Earn Scholarships at the Western Art Competition

Lauren Guzy December 18, 2020

Three Fredericksburg High School juniors, Gabe Cross, Sutton King and Avery Semmler each earned a $4,000 college scholarship on Dec. 5, from The San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo for placing among the...

Student Leaders Strive for a Change

Student Leaders Strive for a Change

Jessica Stuewe December 1, 2020

Student leadership is an important part of high school. Whether it’s attending to issues the student body has or helping teachers, leadership roles are meant to promote positive changes. The student...

FBLA Prepares Students for a Future in Business

FBLA Prepares Students for a Future in Business

Jessica Stuewe December 1, 2020

High school classes and extracurriculars are set to equip students with knowledge they will be able to use in whatever they choose to do after graduation. There are a variety of clubs at Fredericksburg...

I Like Big Bucks

I Like Big Bucks

Suzanna Bridges December 1, 2020

Fredericksburg High School, full of bright students and talented athletes, also consists of hard workers from all walks of life.  One diligent worker is Claudia Memije, a senior at FHS. She has worked...

The Team Behind the Team

The Team Behind the Team

Ari Watson December 1, 2020

The Fredericksburg sports program pushes students to succeed every day, but sometimes students’ needs push the program. Fredericksburg High School has students with medical needs that require more attention...

Real Talk

Real Talk

Cynthia Sawtelle December 1, 2020

Fredericksburg High School’s nurse Kassidy Copell, social worker Melanie Yonke, and counselor Jenny Immel are all leaders of the mental health support group, “Real Talk.” Resources are given in each...

Rotary Youth Exchange

Rotary Youth Exchange

Lauren Guzy September 24, 2020

Traveling the world and experiencing a new culture is not something that can be taught in a classroom. People always say that traveling is the best education, and I completely agree. Unique opportunities...

(Left to right) Officer Ayala, Hannah Ostendorf, Geneva Rose, Audrey Mills, Malory Jenschke, Piper Carrol, Jacquelyn Guevara, Lizbeth Ramirez

Skills USA

Jessica Stuewe, Staff September 24, 2020

Three groups of Skills USA students took part in different state competitions on April 4th-5th that showcased the skills they have learned over the course of this year. One group created poster boards...

Judah Farmer nails a backflip at the 2019 HOCO dance.

HOCO Dance: Covid Style

Suzanna Bridges September 9, 2020

Many events, performances and service projects have been either cancelled, postponed, or revised across the network of high schools both in Texas and nation-wide because of coronavirus. This, however,...

Members of the newly formed radio club work with the equipment to be able to communicate with others.

New Club Explores World of Radio Communication

Ari Watson, Comet Staff March 12, 2020

Amateur radio is a volunteer service for people who are interested in radio communications to get licensed through the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and then be allowed to communicate throughout...

Fredericksburg Livestock Judging Team Returns to Scotland for the Second Time in Three Years

Fredericksburg Livestock Judging Team Returns to Scotland for the Second Time in Three Years

Emmaline Kitzmiller, Staff December 9, 2019

  Another field that Fredericksburg High School has been known to excel in is their agriculture program. For the second time in three years, Fredericksburg’s Livestock Judging team will advance...

The students who participated in the Region Jazz contest are Mason Sommers, Harper Kiehl, Abigail Sechrist, Evalyn Crittell and Natalie Mondragon. Row 2: Nahomi Arias, Grace Fritz, Dalton Waters, Asher Weatherford and Sergio Martinez. Row 3: Gerardo Barrera, Daven Ballejo, Efrain Gonzales, Joel Plaza, Will Cooke, Zavior Vaquera, Jeremiah Baldwin, Alex Hernandez, Parker Fuege and Jacob Lees.

Fredericksburg Jazz Band Sweeps Floor at Regional Contest

Evalyn Crittell, Staff Writer September 26, 2019

For the second time in three years, FHS Jazz students won all ten first chairs at Region Jazz Auditions, and 19 FHS students made an All-Region Jazz Ensemble. Ten students taped an audition for All-State...

Students Go to Work for a Grade  

Students Go to Work for a Grade  

Mariah Boyd, Staff September 26, 2019

For seniors this year, the in-and-out schedule is no longer happening, much to many students’ disappointment. But you may look around campus during sixth or seventh period and see some students driving...

One Act

One Act

Jessica Stuewe and Lauren Guzy March 22, 2019

It’s always a great feeling when you find out you make the cut, especially when you get the part you wanted. One Act is the competition theater class where all of the schools in our district take a 40...

Emma Wehmeyer and Carmen Ruiz are two of FHS's most beloved staff members.

The Hidden World of The Staff

Cynthia Sawtelle and Miguel Garcia March 21, 2019

Wake up, get to work early, clean the toilets, clean the desks, wipe off the writing in the bathroom stalls, give the kids the food and drinks they need. These are just some of the things that our staff...

Katie Robertson with other color guard members behind her performing at competition.  

Fredericksburg Color Guard Flourishes Under New Direction

Sarah Deering, Connor Blevins, and Brooklyn Graham March 18, 2019

Fredericksburg Color Guard Flourishes Under New Direction The Fredericksburg Color Guard program along with its members has experienced multiple changes and adjustments throughout the past two years....

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